This is a young lady who came for a cardiac CT, in the first month of our installation in Oct 2004. There was one abnormal band seen (Figs. 1, 2). A simple change to two-segment reconstruction (Fig. 3) was enough to remove the band (Fig. 4).
In short, it may be a good idea to try a two-segment reconstruction, especially if the abnormality is not related to an obvious ectopic beat or rhythm abnormality. It is known that despite a great ECG-trace, step artifacts and band artifacts may occur due to inherent issues with the reconstruction algorithm. In such situations (as in the previous case), the offending heart-beat can be identified by looking at the raw data images and using either two-segment reconstruction as in this case or disabling or deleting the offending heart beat (as in the previous case), a good dataset can be obtained.